Friday, December 28, 2012

Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation

Upon Grandpa's suggestion, we took the kids to the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation.  Owen & Lindy had a great time checking out all of the trains, and so did Grandpa Bradstreet.  I was quite amazed by the size of the engines and that they were housed in such an amazing indoor facility.  

If you are ever near Portland, OR, I highly suggest going to check these trains out.  It was good free fun.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cold & Rainy Run

I am just slow, slow, slow right now.  This is my first run this week.  It was cold and rainy, and I only did 2.5 miles.  The way I look at it, though, 2.5 miles is more than 0 miles.  I have also gotten in one weight training session so far this week.  Woo-hoo!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Dancing Queen

Lindy loves to sing and dance, but she is quite particular to which song she wants to dance to.

Week One of Half Marathon Training

Unfortunately, Week 1 of my half marathon training did not really happen.  Owen & Lindy both came down with a stomach bug on the 14th (a Friday).  They were sick for 4 days, and Owen took a few mare days after that to really get back to normal.  I was sick with the bug from Sunday - Wednesday.  The stomach bug knocked us all out pretty good, and left us all scrambling to get everything prepared for Christmas.  This meant I only got 1 run in for the whole week.  Luckily, I've built in two extra weeks to my training plan just for occasions like this.  I am a little scared that I used up one of my extra weeks so early, but this is life.

My one run this week was a 3.5 mile run this morning.  It was decent enough weather, and I actually got to run at 8:00 am (instead of my usual 5:00 am runs).  I was pretty dehydrated still from my stomach bug so I was moving pretty slow.  I had also noticed some tightness in my right hip earlier this week.  I think it stems from holding my daughter while walking around the house.  I think doing some stretching this week should help resolve this issue, but it made my run today a little harder then it needed to be.

Next week's training looks like this:
Monday, 12/24/12 - 3 mile run
Tuesday, 12/25/12 - Rest
Wednesday, 12/26/12 - Weight Training
Thursday, 12/27/12 - Interval Run (total of 3 miles)
Friday, 12/28/12 - Weight Training
Saturday, 12/29/12 - Rest or Possible Run with Ryan & the kids (2.5 miles)
Sunday, 12/30/12 - Long Run (total of 5 miles)

I am optimistic about my training this week, even through I will have a lot of Christmas festivities to contend with.  I just need to stay focused, and remember that every workout will make me that much more prepared for my race.  

Monday, December 17, 2012

And this Mom keeps runnin', runnin', & runnin', runnin'

Some of you may be aware that over the past year I have become a runner.  People who have known me for a long time may find this hard to believe because I was not all that athletic for the first 22 yrs. of my life.  Anyway, I would still not consider myself to be an "athlete" because I feel that an athlete is someone whom participates in sports that involve balls in some way, and I still duck and cover when anything is thrown at me instead of trying to catch it.  However, I really do like running.  I think my favorite part about running is that I am able to push myself to do things I never thought were possible.  Forever, I have thought of myself as the awkward adolescent girl I was in middle school, and running has really taken that feeling away from me.  Running has made me realize that I am capable of anything I put my mind to, and that I am an important person with some pretty great ideas and attributes.  

I began running last year when my kids were 5 months old.  I started doing it as a way to get back into working out and start shedding my baby weight.  I did that Couch to 5k Plan, and I ran my first 5k at the end of October 2011.  In the next 7 months I ran five more 5k's and one 8k.  All this running really helped me start to feel like me again, but more of a new and improved me.  I took a break over the summer, but at the end of August I put back on the running shoes to train for my first 10k.  Now, I plan to run a 12k in February, a 15k in March, and half marathon in April.  My training for my half marathon begins this week, and I plan to keep you all posted on my training as it progresses.  

I know the training process will be tough at times, but I think writing about it every now and then will help me out.  I just need to remember that running makes me feel like a lean, mean, fighting Mama!  I can't wait to share my journey with you (and I hope that my running posts don't bore the socks off of you).

To wrap up this post, here's a pic for your viewing pleasure.  It's from my second 5k.  I did it with Ryan and the twinners in November 2011.
Now, here's to many more!

Friday, December 14, 2012

When you can't find the words

A terrible tragedy took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School today.  It was hard to understand why things like this happen.

A friend of mine posted this quote from Mr. Roger's on her facebook page, and I thought it was a way to put things into perspective:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of "disaster," I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world." -- Fred

I hope I can remember these words one day when my kids are old enough to understand and ask me, "Why?".  There are a lot of terrible things that happen in our world, but I really do believe that the majority of people out there are good people.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

It's official that the holiday season is upon us.  We've been busy buying presents, making lists, putting up Christmas decorations, and this weekend we got our tree.  It has been so fun to experience Christmas through Owen & Lindy's eyes this year.  They are really getting into the spirit of things and everything we do seems to amaze them.  

Here are some pictures of our Christmas tree outing this year.  We always get our tree from a nearby tree farm.  We get to cut down the tree ourselves, and we've made it a tradition to do this with Ryan's brother Brandon and our awesome sister-in-law Trudi!

Owen taking in all the scenery (and wondering why his coat is so enormous).

Lindy loving life and the tree farm.

We found our tree!

Owen helping Uncle Brandon cut down their tree.

Lindy helping Ryan cut down our tree.

We decorated our tree the next morning.  Owen & Lindy got a kick out of doing this.  I think the ornament may be moved many times by their little hands.  They are just fascinated with all of the sparkly things on the tree.  It will be interesting to see how long we keep the ornaments on the lower branches. 

Owen inspecting an ornament.

Lindy on ornament inspection duty.

Owen adding a sparkly branch to the tree.

Lindy adding a star to the tree.

Thanksgiving Fun

So this is a little late for my Thanksgiving post, but better late than never.  We had the family over to our house for Thanksgiving, and we had a great time.  We started our day with a walk to Joe's Donuts, and then we all got home and enjoyed an egg bake, our donuts, and mimosas.  Then we got the turkey prepared, cooked a lot, ate a lot, and then relaxed.  Below are a few pics of Owen & Lindy enjoying their turkey dinner.  Their favorite part was the candy turkeys (go figure).  

We have a lot to be thankful for this year.  I think that most of all I am thankful that I have such a happy healthy family.  It's cheesy to say, but everyday I remind myself how lucky I am to have such simple things like being married to someone who I am absolutely happy to see each day, kids that are pretty freakin' awesome, a dog that really is the best dog in the whole world, a sister who is my best friend, a Mom & Dad who love me unconditionally, and a family that makes me smile each day.  

Okay, that is the end of my sap fest!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you are able to be thankful for something each and every day.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween Fun

Here are the pics from our Halloween adventures.  Owen & Lindy did great with trick or treating.  They walked the whole time (we just went around the block), and they carried their treat pails all by themselves.  They seemed to have a great time, and then the fun continued once we got home and handed out candy to the rest of the neighborhood. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

First Haircut

Owen got his first haircut today at "The Buzz" (a local barbershop here in Sandy).  Tiffany (who owns the barbershop), has a great set up.  She has a cool fire truck chair, a fun train table to play with while your waiting, and the parents even get a beer while their kid gets a haircut.  Pretty Sweet!  Here are some pics of Owen.  

 Before the big haircut!

 Checkin' out the cool chair.


This was our best "after" shot.  He had quite a bit of hair to be trimmed off.  I must say I'm a little sad his wild hair is gone (even though the haircut is great).  I may just have to let it grow out again and keep it that way.  :)

Hangin' at the Library

We got the chance to go visit the Sandy Public Library today.  It was remodeled last year, and it is awesome!  Ryan and I got to look for some DVD's and CD's with some good kid's stuff, and Owen & Lindy had fun playing on all the toddler sized seating.  We will have to remember to start visiting the library more often.  It was pretty fun. 

 Lindy loved this little table.  She was sure to try out each seat multiple times.

 Owen really liked this "Book Kart".  He kept trying to push it around, but the wheels didn't actually turn, and he found this very disheartening.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Freezing Madness!!

Last weekend, Ryan and I made and froze some meals so we could have some quick and easy dinners in the next few months.  I thought I would share those meals here, and you can go make them if you so choose.

Chicken Enchilada Casserole (this one is a family specialty of Ryan's so there is no recipe to be attached all of the rest can be followed as a link).
Chicken Tetrazzini (I have no recipe for this either, but if you google "chicken tetrazzini with cream of mushroom soup" you will have millions to choose from).

Making so many meals in a few days is a huge task, but the pay off is huge.  There is nothing better than having dinner ready in flash on a busy week night with minimal clean up.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Too Cute

I bought Halloween costumes for Owen & Lindy at a sale a week and half ago.  Neither of them has wanted anything to do with the costumes, and I was worried we were going to have a costume-less Halloween.  Ryan finally had the brilliant idea of putting them in their costumes in front of a mirror so they could see how cool they looked.  The idea was a success, and they now love their costumes.  I got this cute pic of Lindy in her fairy princess costume.  Owen is a dragon, but he did not stand still long enough for a good picture.  We'll get him later.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Good Weekend

It was a wonderful weekend.  Ryan and I got to drop the kiddos off at Aunt Amy's house on Friday night, and they stayed there until Sunday afternoon.  While they were away having fun, we got to go see our friends Alec & Lacey, and they're brand new baby Hudson.  It was great to see them and just get to focus on them, (no kids to fuss over).  On Saturday, Ryan and I had a cook-a-thon.  We cooked and froze 6 different meals (each meal made anywhere from 2 - 6 dinners for us).  This will be so helpful as we get into the holiday season.  We then got to hangout with Brandon & Trudi (my brother & sister in-law).  We actually got to go out to a bar and had a grand old time.  

I think one of the best parts of the weekend was that I actually was away from my kiddos long enough to miss them.  I have been having a really hard time these days being a patient Mama.  I feel as though the terrible twos may have struck early at our house, and it seems like when I get home from work every night all the kids do is complain & whine until they go to bed.  This is so extremely frustrating because everyday I am so excited to see them, and once I walk in the door the crying, screaming, and fussing begins.  This weekend gave me a lot of time to reflect and realize how lucky I really am to have these two amazing kids.  This raising kids thing is hard, and I think it's important to take some time for myself just so I can remember how lucky I really am and how much I really do enjoy my kids.  It has to get easier as they begin to communicate more so for now I just have to remember to be present in the moment I am in now and try to soak in everything that life may hand me.  The good, the bad, the whiny, the stinky & the funny.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Amy!

10/11/12 is not just a special day because all of it's number's go in order when written out, but also because it is my sister's birthday.  We've been best friends for a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY long time, and I couldn't ask for a better sister.  Happy birthday Amy!  May this year bring you all the joy and happiness that you deserve.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

Well, Summer has been over for a while now, and it seems like we were so busy there wasn't even ever a time to tell the world about it.  So, without much further adieu, here it is in a pictorial nutshell.  

It all started off with a special trip to Eastern Oregon to our friend Emily's Wedding.  Ryan and I got to go without Owen & Lindy because they got to stay with Aunt Amy and Uncle Cross.  This was a super fun trip.

We went to the Zoo!  This special trip was super fun.  We got to pet the farm animals, see the raptor show, see the elephants, seals, giraffes, penguins, and everything in between.  It was an exciting day.

Grandma & Grandpa Bradstreet came to visit.


We went camping near the beach.  It was a great trip, and playing on the beach with Owen & Lindy was a blast.

We went on hike while we were camping at the beach.  

We played at a lot of parks.

Ryan and I got to go on a special hike on our second Anniversary.

We ate delicious cookies from our friends Scott & Mandy

We got to play on our land in Hoodsport, WA, where Owen and Lindy got a special ride on the lawn mower with Ryan.  

 I got to walk in Portland to Coast with my awesome team.  The WILF's (Walker's I Like to . . . . Follow).

All in all, it was a pretty fantabulous summer.  We were busy, but we were having a great time.