Thursday, February 14, 2013


Since the week before Christmas, we have had some sort of illness in our household.  I am so tired of it, and I think it's part of the reason I seem to be in a funk.  Either I've been sick, my kids have been sick, or Ryan has been sick.  Here's a pic of my two little sickies watching "Barney" and drinking their Pedialyte.

With all that being said we have begun to discover some remedies that have actually helped:

Drink a lot of water - I know that water is the last thing you seem to want when you are sick, but I feel like it really does help flush all of the sick toxins out of your body.

Get some darn sleep - It's hard to actually say enough is enough and it's time for some sleep, but it really does help to stop and rest your body.

Enjoy the snuggles from your kids - My kids are pretty much past the phase of just wanting to sit and snuggle when they could be playing instead.  Yesterday, though, I got to sit with Owen for about an hour and half with my little tender guy.  It was pretty sweet.

Zinc Lozenges - These are supposed to lessen the length of a cold.  I feel like they have helped me out.

Remember the power of positive thought - I know this sounds kind of hippy-dippy, but I just think about my family all being healthy and happy again at the same time.  It will happen, and focusing on that instead of the fact that we are all sick can help me out tremendously.

Wash your hands - This one doesn't need much explanation, but a good hand washing can go a long way in  preventing the spread of germs.

Do you have any other tips you'd like to share?  We need all the help we can get here at out house.  :)


  1. Thieves! It's a Young Living essential oil and I use it all the time! It isn't uncommon for kiddos to get a head cold once a month and I swear it is Thieves that keeps me healthy because I kiss and snugge "my" babies all day long even when they have snot on their cheeks and are coughing directly on me, and I rarely get sick. I also begin my day with Emergen-C along with every thing you mentioned here! Hope the sickies move out of your house soon!

    1. We just looked it up on Amazon. What a good idea. :)

  2. Hi Sara:

    I have found wonderful relief from these 5 items, 2 of which are free:

    Sore throat: eat pickles...pickle juice contains sulfur and vinegar which aids in removing the irritation. I open up a jar of hamburger slices and eat them like they were m & m s

    Sinus Congestion: I eat medium buffalo wings as the spicy sauce opens up my sinuses and I am able to clear the stuffiness. (If you are a vegetarian you can eat Morningstar boneless chicken bites...the seasoning is also in them)

    Cold Sores or Diarrhea: Lactobacillus Acidolphilus..I buy 35 billion strength. It is in the refrigerated section of a health food store. This product introduces "good bacteria"
    into your system to fight the bad bacteria.

    Free Remedy: fresh air...10 deep breaths outdoors..our bodies are like incubators and that warm cozy spot is just what the bacteria like.

    Free Remedy: 20 minutes in the sun 3 times a week will provide your vitamin D requirement. Vitamin D plays a number of beneficial roles in our bodies, including:

    Promoting absorption of calcium and bone health
    Boosting immune function
    Reducing inflammation
    Healthy neuromuscular function
    Protecting against some forms of cancer

    Hope everyone is feeling better! Maureen

    1. Thanks for the tips Maureen. I have never heard of pickles for a sore throat. I really like pickles so I'll have to keep that one in mind.

  3. Sorry to hear everyone is sick..The flu hit alot of us here in Jersey, Thank goodness not our house. Keep your chin up, springs around the corner

    1. Thank you. Spring is right around the corner, and I really do feel like a little spring is what we all need.
