As many of you know, once you have a baby, everyone wants to give you a little bit of advice (even if you don't want it), or they just want to check out your new bundle of joy. I believe this is at least doubled when you have twins. Here are some of the most frequent comments I get and some of the most bizarre.
"Here comes Double Trouble!" When people say this I want to reply with, "Actually my kids are very good." or "Really? You think you're the first person to come up with that one?" I usually just smile and nod though.
"Are they twins?" This is usually what people say when they want to check out your babies and they don't know how to open. Once again, I usually just smile and nod when people say this, but I want to say, "No, they are actually 3 years apart," and just keep walking.
"Oh my, you must have your hands full." I usually don't even acknowledge the person who says this. This comment just really irritates me for some reason.
"Are they identical?" I just politely tell them that boy/girl twins can't be identical. What I really want to say is, "No. One has a penis and the other has a vagina."
"Have you seen that video on Youtube with the twins that seem like they're talking to each other?" What I want to say to these people is, "Who hasn't seen that video? and They are talking to each other you moron. They're just babies so they don't have a huge vocabulary yet."
Okay, now for the most bizarre.
"Are you on WIC?" I walked away from this person and let my husband handle it. The twins were still really young and I thought I was going to smack the lady. My husband, however, was very polite.
"When is your next baby due?" My reply to this man was, "Oh, I'm not pregnant. I just still look pregnant because my twins are only 2 1/2 months old. What I wanted to say was a lot of swear words and then walk away to cry. (I think I did walk away to cry).
So if you do see someone in the store who has twins, do tell them they're babies are adorable and they are so lucky to have twins, but do not ask them any of the above questions. :)